Publications |
View Department of corrections publications on-line. You can also view or download in Microsoft Word format, or Rich Text Format. Staying Safe.pdf was created to provide information on how to both respond to sexual offenses that have already occurred and, more importantly, work to prevent further sexual violence and abuse in our communities. Your Right to Know Access information regarding a sex offender by calling the VINE toll-free telephone number. (MS Word version or rich text version) Check It Out Sex Offender Registry information through a toll free 24-hour automated information system designed to provide community organizations, employers, and the general public with a means to find out whether a specific person is a registered sex offender. (MS Word version or rich text version) Truth in Sentencing and Victim Services The Truth in Sentencing law became effective as of December 31, 1999. What happens when a Judge sentences someone to prison under the Truth in Sentencing law? (MS Word version or rich text version) Registrant Portal Guide Entering your registration information online FAQs. (MS Word version or rich text version) Guia del Portal de Registro Preguntas y Contestaciones Frecuentes (FAQ's) para ingresar su informacion de Registracion por linea. (MS Word version or rich text version) |